Locking Doors Still Best Bet Against Burglaries

Locking Doors Still Best Bet Against Burglaries

(NU) – Not so long ago, people did not feel the need to lock their doors or windows. But times have changed, and so has the need to use locks for protection. According to the National Crime Prevention Council, most individuals do not have the proper lock security. Only half of Americans have deadbolt locks on all the entry doors to their homes, and nearly one in five have none. The National Crime Prevention Council recommends checking and updating old locks on all doors and windows and replacing them with ones that protect keys from being duplicated without your knowledge, such as Medeco Security Locks. In addition, it advises you to make sure your locks have a long enough bolt so that the door cannot be pried open. Installing quality locks is the first line of defense against home burglaries since they can protect you against physical attacks. Other steps can be taken to increase your security, as well. Here are some tips from the National Crime Prevention Council.

• Use your locks. Even the best locks can’t protect you if you don’t use them.

• Do some yard work. Trim hedges and bushes so thieves can’t hide out.

• Know your neighbors. Neighbors who look out for each other are among the best, and least expensive, defenses against neighborhood crime.

• Secure your spare. Leave your spare key with a trusted neighbor. Never hide it on the property. Burglars have more experience looking for keys than you do hiding them.

• Let there be light. Make sure all outside entrances — front, back, and side — have good lighting so burglars can’t easily hide.

• Stop mail and paper deliveries. A pile of newspapers in the driveway is a clear sign to a thief that you’re away from home.

For more tips on securing your home and yourself, visit the National Crime Prevention Council Web site at www.ncpc.org or call (800) 627-2911 for a free brochure.